February 14, 2011

The hills are alive with the sound of...my screams...

I went on my first ever hike with a group of friends and colleagues last weekend, in the beautiful scenery of Glendalough. 2 hours 30 minutes to climb up and own a rocky - then grassy mountain / big hill. Pretty impressive view, scary as hell when you're on th verge of a cliff that falls down 200 meters and you're standing on a board walk (there is no path up the mountain so you walk on rail road beams for most of the climb).

The compulsory group photo

 Still very enthusiastic at the beginning of the hike

Arrived at the top, standing in front of this amazing view, I launched a group scream and we all let go, holding hands, screaming our lungs out and looking like perfect lunatics.
Ze view that inspired Ze Screaming

Very cathartic and relaxing, until we saw people's face full of fright and misunderstanding. As my friend Meriem said: "Poor people, they come in this remote area to get away from the noise and chaos of the city, and they hear us howl at the sun!" :)

9km climb, pretty cool for my fitness quota, my legs have felt like Jello since, but I don't regret seeing all these amazing views, and the nature changing as you climb higher.

Funny anecdote: as we were climbing up a rocky path, overlooking a beautiful lake that could have been seen in The Lord of the Rings, a friend I hadn't spoke to in ages called (there's great phone network in the mountains!). he was a bit surprised when I told him it wasn't the greatest moment to talk since I was out of breath , climbing rocks in the mountains. Haha, you don't expect to hear that when you call to give news.

I wore a red jacket in case I got lost or fell and people could spot me
Dramatic much? :)

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